I wish I was a kite swooping in the sky rolling and loop to loop - By Ariki
My Kite went up and it went loop to loop. It went twisting and it went jumping, swirling past the garden. By Kruiz
I wish I was a kite that could jump. I wish it could swoop and do loop to loops. I love kites. They do look beautiful. Everybody likes my kite. I had fun with it flying up in the sky. By Mya
My kite is bouncing. My kite is turning. By TK
My Kite wiggles and jiggles and loop the loop. It was going high and it was going fast rolling, flying swooping, jumping, sweeping turning twisting high in the sky. By Te Wai
My kite is flying up and high and it was loop to loop. It was swirling and it was flipping.
By Kaylee
My kite was swirling loop the loop, twirling going high in the trees. It was going fast, crashing, flying, sweeping, jiggling, rolling. By Erica
My kite went up in the sky because it went up, up, up swirling. It went high, flipping and it was turning. By Jim
I wish I was a kite so I could fly in the sky. I can swoop high twisting. I want to be a kite so I can do loop the loop jiggling swooping in the sky. By Skyla
My kite went high in the sky and my kite was flipping but it didn't do rolling. Swirling everywhere and spinning and turning and I made kites at home. By Mena
My Kites did the loop the loops and swooping. Then it did the swirling as well and it did the flipping and twisting. Everywhere then it did sweeping. By Leo
My kite went up and down. It went side to side and it went loop to loop. By Corin
By Eloise
My kite went loop the loop. It went back flip. It went high and swirling. By Jordan
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